marți, 26 februarie 2013

Hai sa NU mai scriem pe pereti

Gata, m-am saturat, asa ca ma adresez asa zisilor microbisti bucuresteni si vreau din start sa imi cer scuze pentru vocabularul vulgar si neacademic:
Ce dracu scrieti pe toti peretii sa plece ala sau celalalt din conducerea echipelor de fotbal. Eu inteleg ca n-aveti destule scoala sa faceti o petitie sau sa-i invadati p-aia cu scrisori (lucru care ar fi mult mai eficient decat scriul cu vopsea pe peretii metroului) da' ia tineti-va spary-urile cu vopsea acasa natarailor si nu mai vandalizati orasul. Inteleg grafitti-ul ...i'm all for that, e arta urba si unele lucrari sunt mai bune decat lucrarile din expozitii de arta dar un scris de-o schioapa cu o caligrafie de cacat NU E GRAFITTI.
Pai ce mama dracu! Eu stau la Stefan cel Mare si e dinamo la o aruncatura de bat. Au vopsit aia peretii (desi nu sunt de acord cu metoda lor pt ca era un mozaic din faianta tucoise pe pereti si-au spoit cu galben peste dar totusi hai sa le recunoastem eforturile) au pus temopane (ca aparent asta e cuvantul de odine in bucuresti la ora actuala) si supranumitii microbisti au scris peste vopsea "pleaca...."(cineva ca nu ma uit la fotbal si nici nu stiu cine da rateuri prin conducerea echipei) arata ca un cur si nici nu da cine stie ce roade asa numitul protest pentru ca ala cine o fi el, dupa ce-si face treaba se urca in tuaregul, sau land rover-ul sau q7-le lui si conduce pana acasa, in niciun caz nu ia metroul asa ca spuneti-mi voi mie ce rost are sa mazgalesti peretii?
Eu inteleg ca ati vazut Green Street Hooligans, ca a devenit biblia voastra si ca aspirati toti sa fiti Charlie Hunnam da' mai suflati dracului bulele alea si afara din ochiu' public. Eu una fac eforturi supraomenesti sa n-aud stirile "din sport" care ar putea la fel de bine sa se cheme "stirile din fotbal" ca nicio redactie de stiri care se respecta nu mai recunoaste alte sporturi in afara de fotbal.

marți, 12 februarie 2013


Dreams, we all have them, big or small about things we want to do, places we want to go.I was never one to settle for mediocrity, I was never one to dream of being a corporatist twat, with lost of money and a high end apartment in the fanciest area of the city I'm living in because that's just not me. But one dream still lingers, ever since I can remember and that dream is New York.
In Arizona Dream, Johnny Depp says about New York that is "the only place in the world with real magnetic pull" and I tend to believe him but I don't want the glamorous life New York has to offer, I don't want the clubs and the Cosmopolitans, the money and the fame. I want the struggle, the art, the theaters and the museums. I want to fall in love with Broadway, I want to see Cats and Guys and Dolls and Sweeney Todd (if that's still a show on Broadway). I want to go to the Met and the Guggenheim Museum and post myself in front of a painting and stare at it for hours at a time until they kick me out at closing.
I want to go to Central Park and sit on the Alice in Wonderland statue, I want to go to Washington Square Park and loose myself in a book, on a bench in the sun. I want to go to the CBGB's and see the history of music unravel in front of me, to enter a music store, where they have old vinyl records and where the salesman knows every little detail about every band that ever was.
I want to live in Queens or Brooklyn in the world's smallest apartment where I'd have just a bed and an easel and ride the train to Manhattan.
I want to be afraid of starting this adventure but brave enough to do it in spite of that.