sâmbătă, 27 decembrie 2014

My parents are insane. The chronicles Chapter VI

Dear friend,
I’m really tired talking to a machine all day long so I am going to start writing to you and pretend I have to go down to the post office and mail a letter every once in a while.
I’ve decided to talk to you about my parents who are completely mental.
I sometimes fantasize I leave to work in the morning, something really amazing happens and I just don’t come back home, ever.
Today is the 27th of December, I had to stay home for the holydays which drove me completely insane. We stayed in because my mother decided to be mad, for no reason at all. She was mad at us, she barely spoke to me or my dad and sat in bed all day long watching TV.
I’ve gotten so used to keeping myself busy over the last three months that I came to a point of not being able to just lie in bed and watch movies and eat junk food like I used to. Which, incidentally makes me feel a lot happier than I used to be. These two days were the death of me. I was so bored I wanted to blow my brains out only so that I could scrape them off the wall and have something to do.
I made the insane mistake to remark as such in a loud voice, in the vicinity of my mother’s ears.
What came next, left me completely perplexed for at least an hour.
My mother started screaming at me “If you would’ve taken us to the mountains you wouldn’t be bored now.”
I said “Mom, why didn’t you say you wanted to go out?”  Especially since the day before I asked her if she wanted to go to the country and she refused with a barely mumbled “No.” that got me figured she was in one of her moods and just wanted to stay in.
As a response I got more yelling “Because you’re you and you would’ve said you don’t want to, or that you have stuff to do. You’re the one how should’ve said something.”
I really feel like I need to mention the fact that I’m not a mind reader. Of course if I had said something she wouldn’t have wanted to go because nothing was planned out from a day before.

So let’s see what we have until now, shall we? My mom wants everything to be perfectly planned out without her actually saying anything and when she does open her mouth is just so she can reproach to you that you didn’t do something you didn’t even know about.
Now what am I supposed to do with that new discovery except for actually blowing my brains out?

Love always,