vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008

This Is Life

Many people will walk in and out of your life only true friends will live a print in your heart· To handle your self use your head , to handle others, use your heart· If someone betrays you once it is their fault, if someone betrays you twice it is your fault · Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people · Who looses money looses much, who looses a friend looses more , who looses faith looses all· Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, beautiful old people are works of art · Learn from the mistakes of others, you can’t live long enough to make them all yourself· Friends, you and me, you brought another friend and then there were three, we started our group, our circle of friends and like that circle there is no beginning or ending · Yesterday is history, today is a gift, tomorrow is mystery.

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

foarta tare conceptie
nu mam gandit niciodata la faza cu greseala
asa miam pierdut un prieten dar tot nam dezlegat misterul daca am fost ba eu ba el vinovatul
dar cred ca in mare amandoi am fost vinovati...un frate pierdut in razboiul numit viata